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Traveling, kayaking, gardening, learning new skills, and meeting people from diverse walks of life brings me joy. I am a professional with an MA in Philanthropy and Development (non-profit management and fundraising). In addition to consulting in non-profit and small business, I am a certified transformative/integrative coach, and an ICF member. My specialty is helping clients process near-death, out-of-body, and spiritually transformative experiences, that challenge a person’s life view. These significant changes to perspective are explored in a safe , non-judgmental space. Clients come to understand the value of their experience and are enabled to move forward with their lives. I am a member of IANDS, the International Association of Near Death Studies and have access to great resources. Apart from this specialty, I have championed and advocated for those living with mental illness and their families. I am committed to supporting anyone who is stuck, unmotivated, uninspired or faced with self-limiting beliefs - most of us humans have been there and it is no fun going it alone!
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